Isn’t life crazy? A few years ago I never thought I’d photograph a wedding again, I had been so worried by the back problems I had a few years ago and then with the craziness of 2020/21 when I had to put all career stuff on hold and prioritise motherhood, that I figured it was too late and I’d been too long out of the industry and that chapter was over. And then early this year I kept feeling pulled to try again, and then a chance meeting just a few months ago resulted in the opportunity to dip my toe back in by second-shooting for them, and I absolutely loved it! I’ve actually had to do a lot of (excuse the incoming cringe…) ‘inner work’ on where I was hiding and playing small, telling myself stories that were limiting me. I had to face up to a lot of fear, fear around starting over again, being seen starting again, balancing career and motherhood, fear of failure, fear of not being ‘good enough’ anymore, etc. Such totally human, normal fears, but they need to be dealt with nevertheless! So now I’m fired up and ‘going for it’ again, throwing 110% at rebuilding the photography business while simultaneously surrendering to what that will look like/how it will happen.
I was so lucky to meet The Falkenburgs when I did, and incredibly grateful that I got the opportunity to second shoot this beautiful wedding in Oxfordshire back in May with them. I won’t share too much about the day as obviously I wasn’t the lead photographer, but needless to say the couple and their beautiful sons were all amazing, the venue was stunning, the weather was perfect and the whole day was a privilege to be a part of.
Really excited to capture more weddings again, 2024 is going to be a fun year!
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